Philippians 2:3-11
Let nothing be
done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let
each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only
for his own interests, but also for the interests of others. Let this mind be in
you which was also in Christ Jesus,
I once heard a
funny story that I thought I’d share with you: There once was a bright green tortoise
that had a big dream: to travel the world. He had always dreamed of seeing the
world, smelling the different smells, meeting new creatures…. It was his
grandest dream. For many days he wondered if there was a way he could accomplish his dream. One day, as he watched a large group of birds flying through the air,
an idea came to his mind. Clearing his throat, he began to call the birds. Finally,
two curious birds flew down to see what the tortoise wanted. The tortoise
explained that he wanted to travel the world and see new sights, hear new
sounds, but he was too slow to do so. He politely asked the two birds if they
would be willing to help him. He explained that perhaps the two birds could
hold a stick between their beaks, and he would hold on to the stick with his mouth,
while the birds flew around the world. It was a clever idea indeed, and the
birds, wanting to help the tortoise, agreed. Minutes later, the tortoise was up
in the air with the birds, his life-long dream finally being fulfilled. I’m such a smart little tortoise, he
thought to himself. Who would have thought
of such an idea? As he peered down below him, he saw some humans talking
amongst themselves, “Wow! Look at that! Those birds must be mighty smart to have
come up with such an idea!” Anger began to boil up inside the tortoise. The
other human added, “I guess I really underestimate the intelligence of birds!”
That did it. The tortoise could not handle it any more. He had to put these
silly humans in place. Yelling out he screamed, “Hey! You… AGGHHHH!!!” As soon
as those first words left his mouth, the tortoise had unwillingly let go of the
stick he was holding on to, and fell down to the ground far below.
There’s this small five letter word that gets many
of us into trouble: pride. We all struggle with it, and it’s a cause of much trouble
today. The wisest man once said, “Pride goes before
destruction, And a haughty spirit before a fall.” Proverbs 16:18 Many arguments start because we do not want to admit that we’re wrong. Many
fights start because both sides do not want to show their weakness. People
fight over power and position, because of pride. That’s how the world does things,
always defending self, always thinking better of self than of others, but that’s
not God’s way. Jesus lived a life of self-denial and humility. He once said in
Matthew 8:20 “And Jesus said to him, “Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of
Man has nowhere to lay His head.”” You see, if Jesus, the King, God Himself, was able to live
outside, sleep on the grass, surely we can be humble too. Humility is God’s
way, and I am sure it would save us from a lot of trouble.
\Picture Story: Once again, I found this picture on the internet, but I chose this Indian and Greek fable because it has a powerful moral to it.
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