Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Let me in!

“ Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.” Revelation 3:20

In the neighbourhood where I work there are numerous outdoor cats, I some time stop to observe these cats being an animal lover. Last week on my way to work this outdoor cat caught my attention.  He walked up to his owner door and scratched….then meowed….then wait …I was so intrigue, I stood there watching him for awhile (I had time, I was early and trying to kill time) He scratched and meowwwwwwwwwwed again and waited, no answer....I thought he surely going to give up now, as if he read my mind he walked away from the door, to my amazement not in defeat. He start climbing up the tree at the side of the house....wanting to see what he was up to I kept watching.....when he reached the first window, he jump on the sill. He started scratching at the window and meowing as if saying 'let me in!'
This incident took me back to the text I read in my devotion that morning, 'Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.' God stand at our door and knock.....isn't it amazing....God willingness to knock and wait to be given entry to our heart---- He never force Himself, but knock and wait. Just like the cat if God does not get an answer at the door He will try the window, whatever it take to get our attention (but He will never use force). God stands before your heart and continues to knock, knock and knock......He have something to give you, He want to give you happiness, peace, health, love, mercy, eternal life....... Will you let Him in today? God is standing at your heart door this very moment, stop, listen.......He is knocking, can you hear His knock? Are you ready to have life abundantly? Don't keep the door shut, let Him in He is waiting.


Picture Story:
Rehmo (the cat in the picture) is an indoor cat whose hanking is to run wild outside. I wanted to take a picture with him at the door but couldn't get him to comply with my wishes...that day he was not happy with me and I have scratches to prove it (he had a couple of near escape that I had provented). I decided in the  end to take the picture of him at his favorite spot, where he like to lament "meowww, let me out!"


  1. God wants to get into our lives, but He won’t force His way in. We have to open the door. We have to respond to His call. We have to say, “Yes, I want you in my life, come in”

  2. God wants a relationship with us,No sin is too great. There is no door that cannot be opened. All we have to do is turn back to Him and open the door.

  3. I love this Kem! It's funny how the Holy Spirit works...I was working on my post yesterday and I was thinking of the exact same verse...lol hmm!

  4. I write and maintain a blog which I have entitled “Accordingtothebook” and I’d like to invite you to follow it.

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  5. Hello,
    Yes, I am so glad that the Lord knocked at my door. I cannot imagine life without Him. I too love cats and have had two cats climb a tree to come in through the window when we lived in a flat in Australia.

    1. Hello Brenda,

      I can't imagine life without Christ either! He gives us breath each morning. Praise God that you accepted His call!



  6. Hi,

    Yes, praise the Lord for His timeless patience and long-suffering for us and of His desire that none should parish. Nice post!

    I invite you to visit my blog site at Thought of the Week Devotional and if so led, become a follower or subscriber.

    I write weekly devotional studies to inspire fellow believers and encourage those yet lost to “answer the door” and accept Jesus as their Savior and Lord.

